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sorry guys but unfortunately this will be my last blog, I do not know when I can return to talk about on my life, so I will tell me some situations my year so far. The first thing that comes to my mind is that I regain orthodontic controls since I had missed a couple of months, I changed dentist and I feel that pain in my teeth, so someday have a smile more beautiful. Other things related to my personal life is this semester I feel more tired than usual, I think it´s happening to me to study and work simultaneously or it may be because I am already old, but I will not cry for my sad life story. Also this semester I can say that I had new friends, because the friends that got ore delayed or withdrew of the university, talking about academy should start thinking that I would like to mention, because the next semester I can take more specific subjects of an area of architecture and I still do not decide, although I am inclining for public policies, but fist I must all my courses, I

Últimas entradas


history of the classical architecture

Smiljan radic architect

My favorite video game Win eleven

Lunch in the top of a skyscrapers

Mr robot

My favourite piece of technogy

Why did you choose this career?

My auto Biograpy

practice post